Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shop til you drop in Bundang

Day 3 included a little more exploring of our city. We headed to AK Plaza (formerly known as Samsung Plaza) to do a little shopping. We had no idea what to expect. It was a mega supermall full of all the usual suspects when it comes fancy European designers. And they were actually busy. The Louis Vuitton store had a line out the door with a bouncer. Louis Vuitton! A bouncer! Apparently Jules and I are easily excitable because no one else seemed half as astonished as us. After trespassing on the 20th floor of an unfinished apartment building to check out the sweet city panoramic view, singing "Hey Ya" in a private karaoke booth, and catching stares no matter where we went, we decided to call it a day by seeing Avatar 3D in the theater across the street from us. The Navi's language was subtitled in Korean. Lucky for me I had already seen Avatar. Not so lucky for Julie. The jet lag permitted me to sleep for 30 minutes or so. Good thing Avatar is 15 hours long...

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