Alright I'll try and keep the rest of these posts on the short side. One thing I forgot to expand on was my temporary apartment. As we walked in to the keyless apartment (you open it with a numeric password, pretty tight since I've lost keys before), Paul says "Oh yeah by the way, you don't have any furniture." Excellent. There is no bed, no desk, no toilet paper. Nothing. After pondering for a while, he tells me he'll get me a pillow and some blankets. "No problem!" he jokingly says, "I'm sure you did this all the time in South America right?" Lucky for me, Julie's apartment is on the floor below mine. My apartment is actually really nice, huge separate bedroom, fancy toilet with lotsa buttons, many windows, big kitchen. Onry probrem is that there's no furniture. I'm getting moved to my new apartment tomorrow (Wednesday) but it's gonna be way smaller. Boo. But it's gonna have furniture! Booyakasha!
So Day 2 started with our required medical check-up complete with blood test. Blood test! Balls. If anyone knows me (5 people including parents), I hate giving blood. Call me what you will. After psyching myself about it for an hour, push came to shove. I asked the blood dude if he had any of those numbing pads I've been hearing about. He laughed and tied the rubber band around my arm. Couldn't tell if he laughed because he didn't speak any English or if he was laughing at the pale, sweaty American wuss sitting at his chair. Either way he found it amusing. I survived to tell the story so I guess it wasn't too bad.
Julie and I spent the rest of the day walking around Seoul with her co-teacher Ms. Yoo, Ms. Yoo's friend Minyoung, and Minyung's new American friend Chip. Minyoung went to grad school at the UW and Chip was actually an Econ professor at, you guessed it, UW-Madison! He is now teaching Econ at a university in Seoul. We had a great time walking around with them. We walked around the Gyeongbok Palace and had chicken bolgogi for lunch. Oh and Julie got called a Carifornia Girl on the street in broken English. It was a wonderful-yet-rainy day!
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