Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pepero'd out on 11.11

Apparently, "Hallmark holidays" are not secluded to just The West.  In Korea, "Sweetest Day" is called Pepero Day (I originally thought it was Korean Valentine's Day but I later found out they celebrate that like the West does).  For those of you who don't know what Sweetest Day is, congratulations, it's a concocted holiday by confectionery companies in like October or something (I'm pretending not to know) where you unwillingly buy candy for your loved one.  Pepero Day on the other hand is the time of the year when you give chocolate-covered sticks to your significant other, friends, and family.  Being a classic shallow holiday, the more sticks you give someone the more you like them.  And if you don't get sticks, well, then you're not cool duh?!  Pepero Day is held on November 11th because, write this down Hallmark, 11/11 resembles 4 pepero sticks.  And with Korea being the land of monopolies the way they are, only a couple companies get to rake in the massive profits won off these delectable chocolate-covered goodies.  It's rather ingenious, really.  Can you imagine Seven Eleven having "Seven Eleven Day" on July 11th?  Everyone has to go out and buy slurpees for those closest to them.  Stupid right?!  (Note to self: e-mail Seven Eleven)

My Pepero Day wasn't too crazy.  Other than the fact it was at an all boy's school.  I've seen a fair share of man love in this country already, e.g. Korean men embracing each other after the bars, receiving free beers from seemingly straight guys while our female friends play second fiddle, etc., and Pepero Day didn't disappoint.  Boys were giving more piggy back rides than usual, kissing each other on the cheek [more than usual], and brown-nosing the crap out of teachers (that sounds wrong) in the form of, you guessed it, pepero. Luckily I came to school prepared and gave peperos to all of my favorite co-workers (when in Rome) and received, other than giggles and blushed faces, peperos in return. By the end of the day, I had stockpiled enough chocolate-covered sticks to start my own edible dessert chopstick company (note to self: google 'edible dessert chopstick company start up').  I knew I took many teachers off guard because the following day, the teachers who didn't pepero me brought stuff to share with me.  I received a vitamin C drink, a ginseng energy drink, 3 tangerines, a donut, and a homemade rice cake (note to self: bring gifts to teachers more often).  All in all, it was a great first Pepero Day experience.  I still have some left over though.  Any ideas what I can do with them?


  1. queeen, 7-11 gives out free slurpees on July 11th. Their present to erryone else. get with da times

  2. free slurpee day damn! but how crazy is it that i posted about pepero day at 11:11PM?!?!?!
