Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quinn Teacher not come back?

Just woke up from a terrible nightmare that I have to leave Korea in less than 24 hours. Oh crap...

It's come to this. I'm sitting at the cafe where I started my blog at, one year ago, cranking out my last in-Korea post. I've seen some amazing stuff. I've done more than I ever imagined I would. And met some incredible people I'd call great friends. It's been a hell of a ride. But since all good things must come to an end, so too shall my unforgettable year in Korea.

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my students, coworkers, superiors, friends, both computers, both desks, and school lunch. Needless to say, my eyes weren't dry as I gave my farewells to everyone that made my life at Young Sung Middle School, and Korea for that matter, a million times better.

I have to keep this short because I have about an hour to finish moving out of my apartment, pack for India, and throw out crap I've accumulated the last 12 months, but this is a precursor of what's to come.

Indonesia, the past few weeks in Korea, the speech I gave, and the letters I received from my boys (although you'd guess they were female fan club members) will all receive the attention they deserve.

But for now, it's time to pack for India (note to self:  don't pack white boxers)

Chau chau!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Big Picture: South Korean floods

If you've never been exposed to Boston.com's The Big Picture photo blog before, here's a good excuse to start. The blog is "intended to highlight high-quality, amazing imagery, with a focus on current events."

Here's a link to the photos from the end-of-July downpour that plagued the country with heavy flooding:
